Behavior of Announcements Created Before Course Availability


Students will not be notified of announcements that are posted before the course is published (such as announcements imported with course copies). Announcement behavior is affected by course participation settings, availability dates, and whether the course is published.

Announcement Behavior

  • Course announcement notifications will not be sent if the announcement is posted while the course is unpublished. Use the Delay posting field in the announcement settings to schedule posting after the course is published.

  • Course announcement notifications will not be sent if the announcement is posted outside the course participation date settings. Use the Delay posting field in the announcement settings to schedule posting during course participation dates.

  • Course announcement notifications will not be sent for announcements imported from past courses. However, students can view these announcements when they click the Announcement link in the Course Navigation Menu. It is recommended that you inspect the Announcements area and delete any irrelevant imported announcements before you publish the course.

  • If you would like to repost imported announcements, edit the announcement and set a future date in the Delay posting field. Students will receive an email notification about the announcement if the course is published and the Delay posting date falls within the course participation dates.

Note: Students will not receive announcement emails if they have disabled this notification in their Account Notifications settings.