Canvas New Analytics: Weekly Online Activity


This article outlines the infomation available in the Weekly Online Activity tab in Canvas' New Analytics, as well as different ways of displaying and interaction with the data.

Using the Weekly Online Activity Tab

The Weekly Online Activity tab displays the Average Page Views [2] and the Average Participation [3] by Week.

Time series charts of average student page views by week and average student participation by week, as presented New Analytics' Weekly Online Activity tab.

Participation is based on the following student interactions:

  • Announcements: posts a new comment to an announcement.

  • Assignments: submits an assignment.

  • Collaborations: loads a collaboration to view/edit a document.

  • Discussions: posts a new comment to a discussion.

  • Pages: creates a page.

  • Quizzes: submits a quiz.

  • Quizzes: starts taking a quiz.

Data for the week that is currently in progress is indicated by a dotted line [4]. To filter and compare the data by different course sections or individual students, add a section or student in the Data Filter [1] above the chart.

Compare Weekly Activity Data

Adding specific class sections or students in the filter area allows for comparing page views and participation across course sections and individual students.

Clicking data points shows a data tray that contains expanded details for the selected week. The date range is shown at the top of the tray [1], along with a timestamp of the last time analytics were updated [2]. You can also see the current filter view [3], total page views [4], total participations [5], and the student and resources tables [6].

Messaging Students Based on Activity Criteria

In New Analytics, instructors can message students based on specific activity criteria. In the Course Grades tab, click the Envelope button located next to the graph filter.

You can contact students based on viewed content, as well as participation.

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