Canvas New Analytics: Course Grade


This article outlines the infomation available in the Course Grades tab in Canvas' New Analytics, as well as different ways of displaying and interaction with the data.

About New Analytics' Course Grades

The Course Grades tab displays average course grades for student submissions using an interactive chart graph or table. Clicking on an assignment data point displays additional information about the activity including:

  • The average grade.

  • The lowest score.

  • The highest score.

  • The number of missing and late submissions.

  • A grade distribution chart clustered in 5% bins.


Data is refreshed in New Analytics every 24 hours. When using the tool, look for the time data was last updated in the course under the top page heading.

Compare Course Grade Data

The default view displays the data for all sections in the course (all students). To compare averages of different sections:

  1. Click the Data Filter located above the interactive graph.

  2. Select up to two sections in the course to display their individual data.

    1. Alternatively, you can also filter by individual students.

  3. To display the data in a Table format, click the Chart Options button (⋮) and select Data Table.

Messaging Students Based on Grade Criteria

In New Analytics, instructors can message students based on specific grade criteria. In the Course Grades tab, click the Envelope button located next to the graph filter. You can contact students who fall within a specific Score Range or contact students with Missing or Late work in the course.

To contact students based on criteria for a single assignment only, click on the assignment data point. In the assignment information.



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