Using Blueprint Courses

Using Blueprint Courses

Once you have followed the steps in the Setting Up Blueprint Courses article, you have a functional blueprint course and are ready to start managing and syncing content.

You can choose to lock any amount of content within the Blueprint Course. What this would do is, if you locked the home page of every module for example, the home page would not be editable in any synced courses. Other pages that are not locked would be editable.

Review the Resources below for steps and screenshots of each process.

“Good to Know” about Blueprint Courses

  • Courses with student enrollments cannot be Blueprint Courses–this just means if you plan to use Blueprint Course content in a live course with students in it, that course will be synced.

  • As soon as a student opens a quiz in a child course, any pushed syncing will not change that opened quiz–changes would need to be manual in each child course.

  • It is possible to move content through syncing and then remove the “child” associations. The content that was synced in will still remain, it just won’t have live connection to updates and pushed syncs.


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