Canvas Blue Course Evaluation Integration
This article describes how the Canvas + Blue integration works for course evaluation tasks.
Integration Details
There are several features enabled via the Canvas + Blue integration for course evaluations. Please read below for specific details.
Course Navigation Menu
All courses will have a course navigation item titled Course Evaluations. This item will be visible by default, unless an instructor edits their navigation menu and disables the Course Evaluations menu item.
When a user clicks on the menu item, they will see evaluation tasks assigned to them. If there are no evaluation tasks assigned to them, they will see the message No course evaluation tasks at this time.
If there are tasks for the Canvas course they are currently in, the user will see a tab called Tasks for this course.
If there are tasks for other Canvas courses, the user will see a tab titled Tasks for other courses.
If the user is an instructor of record, they will see tasks to create instructor-added questions or tasks to monitor response rates while evaluations are open.
If the user is a student, they will see tasks to complete the evaluation for their course(s).
Only students and instructors formally enrolled in the class via PeopleSoft will see evaluation tasks. If the student or instructor has been manually added to the Canvas course (via Canvas or Middleware), they will not see evaluation tasks.
Canvas Login Pop-Up
Upon initial login to Canvas, students will see a pop-up reminding them to complete open course evaluations.
Instructors will not see a pop-up.
The pop-up can be dismissed or the student can click Remind me later.
The pop-up will only occur while the student has open evaluations available to complete.
Account Navigation Menu
All Canvas users will have an item titled Course Evaluations in their Account Navigation. Click on your profile picture and then Course Evaluations to access this item.
The Course Evaluations area will show course eval tasks assigned to the user for any courses, regardless of whether the class has a Canvas course (some Boise State courses do not use Canvas).