Course Evaluations FAQ for Students

This FAQ covers general questions and information related to course evaluations for students at Boise State University.

Frequently Asked Questions


Well over 90% of all credit bearing classes are evaluated. Courses may be intentionally excluded, at the request of the department, often because they are very small or are a very unconventional type of class. On rare occasions, a class may have been accidentally missed. 

Please check with your instructor as soon as possible. If you think your class should be evaluated, please let us know at the course, section number, and instructor so that we can look into it.

We treat your anonymity very seriously and protect it on multiple levels.  First, the only way responses can be viewed by your instructor is with all identifying information about the student removed. We also ensure that grading will not be influenced by summary results. Instructors are not able to view the course evaluation reports until at least two days after the due date requiring instructors to submit grades.  This due date is some time after all class activities have ended.   

Rules prohibit the release of identifying information except in situations where threatening or harassing comments are made. Policy 4300 states that, “In the event of a University investigation and in compliance with relevant laws, the Provost may determine that the student evaluator’s name may be revealed to the relevant parties.”

Unfortunately, we are not able to reopen or extend an evaluation period once it has closed.  Because of this, our evaluation messaging provides multiple warnings to the student reiterating the end date for the evaluation period. 

If you miss the window to evaluate a course, we recommend that instead you send an email to the chairperson of the department that manages the course. The chairperson evaluates the instructor each year and makes personnel decisions. Let them know about the strengths and weaknesses of the course and instructor. Ask the chair to keep your identify confidential if they discuss your feedback with the instructor.

If the link took you to a page that says the evaluation period is over, then you will not be able to fill out the online evaluation. We recommend that you send an email with your feedback to the chair of the department that manages the course and instructor.  

On the other hand, if the link took you directly to an error page, then it is probably a browser or cache issue. Please try one or all of the following: 

(A)  First, clear your browser cache.  Here are instructions for clearing your cache using various popular browsers.

(B)  Second, try using a different Browser or Incognito Browser.

(C) Third, try using a different computer.

There are two primary purposes and audiences for course evaluations. First, the evaluation feedback is for the instructor to identify ways to improve the course and their teaching. Second, the feedback is for the department Chair and college Dean to evaluate the instructor’s teaching performance. Thus, your feedback informs the personnel decisions made in the college.

The instructor is notified two days after the grade submission deadline that they can view the compiled, anonymous course evaluation results. Department chairs may also review the evaluation results at that time. All chairs, however, review the evaluation results for instructors of classes in their program on an annual basis in the early spring.

You are welcome to reach out to the Department/Department Chair at any time to schedule an appointment and discuss your concerns with them. However, rest assured they will see the evaluation feedback regarding the instructors in their Department as part of their annual process.

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