iPhone/Android Panopto App Installation

iPhone/Android Panopto App Installation


This article guides you through the steps to install the Panopto App onto your own mobile device.


  1. Open the Play Store (Android) or App Store (iPhone) on your device and search for Panopto. You can also open the app page for Panopto on the Play Store or on the App Store.
  2. When opening the app, click on Change Site at the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Enter boisestate.hosted.panopto.com into the address text field.
  4. Login with your Boise State email and Panopto password.
  5. You'll be directed to the Home page which will feature tutorials and instructions on getting started with Panopto
  6. on the left hand side you will see a menu, where you can view your folder (where videos that you upload/create will be), videos shared with you, and everything available to the public.

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