Module Overview Example
A Module Overview is recommended as a lead-in to online course modules as a way to let learners know what is ahead of them in the module. It will include some introductory information, share the learning objectives to be met by completing that module’s activities, and support the learner in preparing for the week’s content. The example below can be used or adapted for your needs.
Content in violet is guidance for the instructor and should be replaced with content applicable to the course module being introduced.
Module # Overview: Title/Topic of Module
Provide a brief description of the module here. Help students see "the big picture" of what they will be learning in the module and how the module relates to the overall learning goals of the course. How does content students learned in previous modules connect to what is happening in this one?
Why This Module Is Important
You might highlight how the knowledge and skills acquired may help students to succeed in a future workplace. Clearly state the relationship between the objectives and course activities in this or future modules. Will students be tested on this content? Is content this week contributing to an upcoming or in-progress assignment?
Learning Objectives
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
Insert module-level learning objectives here (CLO # )
in a (CLO # )
list (CLO # )
Strategies for Success
Provide suggestions to help students prioritize efforts, and become more effective in time management, record-keeping, group interactions, planning, pacing, learning or study strategies, etc.
Assignments and Tasks
Due by Day
Assignment (anticipated time needed to complete the assignment)
Assignment (# hrs)
Due by Day
Assignment (# hrs)
Assignment (# hrs)
Due by Day
Assignment (# hrs)
Assignment (# hrs)
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