Setting Up a ProctorU Live+ Exam

Setting Up a ProctorU Live+ Exam

ProctorU Live+ is a proctoring service that requires students to set up appointments with a live proctor to take exams. In order to use Live+, you must include a notice of potential cost in PeopleSoft prior to student registration. Students are respondible for paying the proctoring fees with Live+.

ProctorU Live+ has different requirements, setup steps, policies, and support escalation paths than the Record+ service. Instructors should NOT use both services in the same course.


  1. Log in to your ProctorU account. If you do not have a ProctorU Instructor account, create one using your Boise State faculty email. Please check your inbox for a verification link and verify your email right away.

  2. In the top right of the home page, click Add New.

  3. Select Exam. This will navigate you to another page where you can enter the exam details.

  4. Complete the Exam Entry Form. If you need assistance when entering the exam, you can hover over the “i” icons located next to each field to see a tooltip with the field definition.

  5. Once you have finished filling out the form, select Submit for review. Exam submissions must undergo a review to ensure that the test meets the standards and best practices. This process can take between 24-72 hours.

Note: Keep in mind that the student fee for Live+ is based on the exam duration you specify on the form.

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