Roles & Permissions
Get to know the roles and permissions in Bronco Learn and Canvas.
Sub-Account Admin in Bronco Learn vs Sub-Account Admin in Canvas
Bronco Learn Sub-Account Admins can:
Create a new listing
Create a new sub-catalog under your current sub-account catalog
View reports and analytics
Publish listings and sub-account catalogs
Sub-Account Admins in Canvas can:
Create a new course
Publish the course
Give permissions per course
If you give someone permission in a course then they will only be able to do things at the course and section level that you assign them to.
Example: George is given Teacher access in the course title Helping Hunger. He is also assigned to a specific section of Spring 2025. George will only be able to access the course content, participants, and have access to grades and completions for this course.
Add participants, teachers, designers, etc.
Change grades
NOTE: For a more comprehensive list for the Sub-Account Admins in Canvas scroll down.
Account Level Roles in Canvas
Sub-Account Admin
Sub-account admins can only only manage permissions and settings for the sub-accounts to which they've been assigned.
Course Admin
Course admins can only manage permission and settings for the course(s) and section(s) to which they've been assigned.
These users are permitted to submit assignments. Student permissions are restricted, but they have enough permissions to access and interact with course materials.
The teacher role grants a user course admin permissions, giving them control over their assigned course or courses. However, institutions can revise and limit these permissions as needed, depending upon the needs of your institution.
Section Teacher
Like the teacher role but they can only access the section they are assigned to.
Course Administrator
Account admins have the power to set permissions for all users in Canvas. The default permissions for account admins can include access to everything within the account, plus the ability to masquerade as a user.
Can access the grades area and make changes. Can not change content or enroll participants.
These users have permissions similar to teachers except that TAs should not have access to SIS data. The TA role is meant to support the teacher role. Admins can manage TA permissions. For example, some institutions may permit TAs to grade student submissions.
These users are permitted to access and create course content, including announcements, assignments, discussions, and quizzes. However, Designers cannot access grades.
This user role can be linked to a student user enrolled in a course. For example, parents, guardians, and/or directors may wish to be linked to a student to view their course progress. Observers usually have the fewest permissions.
Break Down of Sub-Account and Course Admin Permissions in Canvas
NOTE: All other roles are given permissions at the course level and are at the discretion of the Sub-Account and Course Admins.
Sub-Account Admin Permissions in Canvas
Course Admin Permissions in Canvas
Course Admin Permissions
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