Importing and Exporting Assessments
You can export Self and Peer Assessments to save them outside of Blackboard Learn. You can import them as needed.
You can import assessments from Course Files, the Content Collection, or your computer.
Import an Assessment
Access a content area. From the Assessments menu, select "Self and Peer Assessment"
On the Create Self and Peer Assessment page, select "Import"
Browse to locate the assessment file
Type a a name for the imported assessment. If you don't type a name, the imported assessment name is used
Select "Submit"
If the start date of the imported assessment is in the past, the system resets it to 24 hours from the time it's imported. All other dates are adjusted forward in time and maintain the same relationships that were established in the original assessment. For example, if you import an assessment with a due date four weeks after the start date, the new default start date would be tomorrow. The due date would be four weeks plus one day.
Export an Assessment
The assessment file is packaged in a compressed ZIP file. Only the assessment-with its questions and criteria-is exported. Previous submissions for the assessment aren't exported.
Access the content area that contains the Self and Peer Assessment you want to export
Access the Self and Peer Assessment's menu and select "Edit"
On the Edit page, select "Export Assessment"
The download to your computer begins.
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