Accessing Rubrics, Grading Criteria, Grades and Feedback
The example instructions below demonstrate possible student-facing content in an online course to aid a student in accessing grading criteria. These instructions are provided as examples only. They are not meant to address every potential scenario. Feel free to use them as a guide and edit them for your own course needs. If your course is a part of a fully online program, please refer to the program specifications and activity directions.
Table of Contents
Transparent assignments include providing access to the criteria that will be used for grading. In Canvas, a simple way to do this is by using Rubrics. Rubrics are displayed at the bottom of the assignment page. The examples below show wording options that may be used in online courses to direct students to grading criteria.
Viewing Rubrics Examples
Viewing the Rubric for an Assignment
Canvas Assignment
View the assignment rubric for grading details.
Canvas Discussion
Option 1: For grading criteria, locate the rubric in the options menu for this discussion.
Option 2: For grading criteria, locate the rubric for this discussion.
Option 3: Prior to posting, you may want to review the rubric for discussion requirements. Refer to the Canvas Student Guide for detailed steps to view the rubric.
Viewing the Rubric for Discussions
Option 1: Prior to posting, you may want to review the rubric for discussion requirements. Refer to the Canvas Student Guide for detailed steps to view the rubric.
Option 2: To access the rubric for discussion board grading, follow the instructions in the Canvas Student Guide.
Option 3: Access the rubric for discussion board grading before attempting this activity.
Viewing the Rubric for a Quiz
To view the rubric used for grading the quiz, click Grades in the Canvas Course Menu. Find the quiz in the list, then click on the name of the quiz. When viewing the quiz, click Show Rubric at the top right of the window.
Grading Criteria Examples
Grading Criteria explained in the assignment
View the assignment rubric for grading details.
This assignment will be graded on the following criteria:
Grading Criteria in Course Resources
To review the criteria used for grading this activity, refer to the [document or page] in the Course Resources.
Grading Criteria Explained Earlier in the Course
Review the grading criteria for this assignment as explained in [course item name] in Module #.
Other Example Situations
Team-Graded Assignments
This is a team-graded assignment; meaning that all members of the team will earn the same grade.
Viewing Grades and Feedback
To view your grade and feedback on this activity, click Grades in the Canvas Course Menu. Locate the activity in the list. Your score is to the right, followed by the total score possible. If comments or feedback are available to view, a small chat icon will be visible. Click the icon to view the comments.
Viewing Feedback Provided in a Google Document Assignment
I may have provided comments or feedback on your Google Doc submission. To view, open the document you submitted.
References and Related Content
How do I view my grades in a current course? (Canvas Student Guide)
How do I use the icons and colors on the Grades page? (Canvas Student Guide)
How do I view the rubric for my graded discussion? (Canvas Student Guide)
How do I view rubric results for my assignment? (Canvas Student Guide)
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