Zoom Quick Guide for Students
- Juliet Wilhelm (Unlicensed)
This guide is intended to support students using Zoom at Boise State University.
Zoom is Boise State’s video-conferencing solution. It is similar to other platforms like Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, WebEx, and more. We use Zoom for its user-friendly design and range of functionality that helps facilitate teaching and learning in addition to employee business work.
As a student, you may use Zoom for:
Synchronous online class sessions
Faculty office hours
Online study groups or group projects
Communicating with advisors
and more!
Visit boisestate.zoom.us to be automatically provisioned with a Zoom account.
When you click to join a Zoom meeting (via a Zoom meeting link or via the Blackboard integration), the application will automatically install on your device.
If you want to be prepared in advance, download the computer desktop client here: https://zoom.us/support/download. You can also install the Zoom app on your mobile device.
Log in at boisestate.zoom.us prior to meetings to be signed into your account.
Go to boisestate.zoom.us/profile. You can edit your name there, for example if you want to use a name other than the auto-populated one e.g. Liz instead of Elizabeth. Consider adding a pronoun after the last name e.g. Liz Johnson (she, her, hers).
You can also add a photo here. This photo will be visible to others when your video is turned off during a Zoom meeting.
Generally you will want to keep yourself muted unless talking.
Your video may be on or off. If you have low bandwidth issues turning your video off may help. If your instructor prefers video on, try to accommodate that if possible.
Use the Chat as directed by the instructor; for example, this may be the primary way to ask questions.
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