Taking a Quiz in Canvas
This article contains example instructions that can be used or adapted for quizzes in Canvas.
These instructions are provided as examples only. They are not meant to address every potential scenario. Feel free to use them as a guide and edit them for your own course needs. If your course is a part of a fully online program, please refer to the program specifications and activity directions.
Use these instructions for students assigned a quiz.
Taking a Quiz
The top of the quiz instructions will include the due date, total points possible, total number of questions, and the time limit, if any. To begin the quiz, click Take the Quiz.
The time spent taking the quiz will be displayed on the right along with a list of questions.
If you want to skip a question or return to it later, mark it by clicking on the tag icon to the left of the question. The tag will appear in the question list in the menu on the right. Click the link for that question in the menu to return to it.
After answering all the questions, be sure to click Submit Quiz to save your responses.
For additional support, refer to How do I answer each type of question in a quiz? in the Canvas Student Guide. For technical assistance, contact the Help Desk at 208-426-4357 (HELP) or helpdesk@boisestate.edu.
Viewing Quiz Results
For quizzes with results delayed until a deadline has passed.
To view the results of a quiz, click Grades in the Canvas menu. Locate the quiz to find your score. Click the title to open the quiz and view more details.
Example Quiz Guidelines to Share with Students
The following guidelines will help you be successful when taking this quiz:
Before you take the quiz, make arrangements to use a reliable computer with uninterrupted internet access; if you use a wireless connection to the internet and that connection is interrupted, you may not be able to submit your quiz.
I recommend you take the quiz on a computer. If you use a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet, you may have problems submitting your answers.
To get help with Canvas, click the Help link in the Canvas navigation menu and select the help option that is relevant to your needs. For password reset issues and other technical support, contact the Boise State Help Desk by emailing helpdesk@boisestate.edu, by calling (208) 426-4357, or by using the Help Desk chat feature.
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