RegisterBlast (ATC): Requesting Academic Testing Center-Proctored Exams for Entire Courses

RegisterBlast (ATC): Requesting Academic Testing Center-Proctored Exams for Entire Courses


This article outlines how to request a proctored exam at the Boise State Academic Testing Center for entire courses.

Exams are subject to an approval process based on available seating on the dates requested. Please be sure to submit your requests at least 14 days prior to the start date.


  1. To set up an exam, begin the process by navigating to your Canvas course site.

  2. If the Registblast link is not enabled in your course navigation menu, click Settings, then click the Navigation tab at the top of your course settings page.

  3. Look for the RegisterBlast menu item and click the options button (⋮) to enable it. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.


  4. Click the RegisterBlast link in your Canvas course navigation menu.


  5. If you are prompted with a login screen, sign in with your Registerblast instructor account or reset your password to log in. Your RegisterBlast password is not the same as your My BoiseState password. First-time users must use the password reset option and provide their Boise State email in order to gain access to their accounts.

  6. After signing in click the + button to submit a new exam.

  7. Complete and submit the exam request form. You will be notified by email once your exam has been approved.

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