How Do I Provide Feedback in Online Courses?
Browse this page to find resources for providing feedback and engaging students in meaningful ways in the online learning environment.
Topics: Instructor Presence and Feedback
Video: Creating Instructor Feedback
This video provides some guidelines and tips for online instructors to engage with students and increase their “presence” in the virtual learning space.
eBook Chapter: Establishing Instructor Presence Through Instructor-to-Learner Interaction Strategies from Effective Online Teaching by Tina Stavredes (ebook via Albertsons Library)
This chapter offers strategies to monitor learner progress and provide just-in-time interactions to help learners engage in the course and overcome roadblocks.
Article: Giving Wise Feedback from UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center (GGSC)
This article details a method for teachers to give feedback to students that builds students’ academic mindset, trust, and positive identity.
Article: 6 Ways To Provide Meaningful Feedback For Online Courses by Adela Belin, eLearning Industry
Lack of meaningful feedback happens to be one of the biggest challenges online learners face. So, how do you create a conducive learning environment in online classrooms and prevent students from feeling isolated? Here are 6 ways to provide meaningful feedback to online learners.
Topics: Student Engagement and ED Regulations
Article: Interpreting what is Required for “Regular and Substantive Interaction” from WCET Frontiers
The Department of Education’s requires “regular and substantive interaction” for students in online learning, but what does that mean, exactly? This article outlines the WCET interpretation of what the Department expects of accrediting agencies, institutions, and faculty in order to comply with this regulation (and create rigorous and meaningful online learning experiences for students).
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