Free Stock Images
This document provides a list of free-to-use stock icons, images, and video websites with brief descriptions.
Top 3 Sites
The Verge article - The world's largest photo service just made its pictures free to use if you embed the way they want you to.
Getty Search Gateway These open-content ones are free
Met Museum OASC tagged images (Open Access for Scholarly Content) are free
Death to the Stock Photo, for free images (there are tons of other great, free image sources as well)
Free Images - each image has different rights or requirements. 90% or more are truly free images posted by the photographer.
Pablo, for title images and quote images
Canva, for miscellaneous graphics and Pinterest-sized graphics
Skitch, for annotated screenshots, for compressing large images into smaller file sizes
IconFinder and The Noun Project, for icons
Foter is one of the largest stock photo sites
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