Standard Look of Accessibility Text for Videos in the LMS
This page overviews the text that should accompany embedded videos in an LMS for accessibility by all students.
The image below serves as a high-level guide for where to place accessibility text associated with a video that has been embedded in the LMS.
Accessibility Text
“If the video doesn’t appear, follow this direct link: [insert an in-line link to video] (##:## min)”
Make sure the link is the same video as what is shown in the image and that the alt text matches the video title.
Add the length of the video at the end of the line in parentheses.
“Start the video to access more options in the video frame: to display the video caption, click CC. To expand the video, use the direct link above to open video inYouTube, and click the Full Screen icon. To navigate the video using the transcription, click YouTube, select …More, then Transcript.”
Make sure the accessibility text below the video matches the video host. E.g. YouTube, Panopto, etc.
Standard Transcript Text
When linking a transcript document for a video without captions, use the following text:
To access the transcript for this video, please use the Title of the Video video transcript link.
This text goes below all other accessibility text after the video embed window.
Additional Resources
The following resources provide more detail on the text conventions called out above. There are also examples from several common video platforms.
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