Films on Demand Example and Accessibility Text

OverviewThe example below details the eCampus Quality standards for accessibility text that accompanies Films on Demand videos. Accessibility text may differ depending on the video platform used in the course. See "Additional Resources" for examples of accessibility text for other video platforms.


Sample Films on Demand video with CC tool highlighted image

Standard Accessibility Text for Films on Demand Videos

Below the video:

If the video above doesn't appear, follow this direct link: Title of the Video (XX:XX min.)

Start the video to access more options in the video frame. To access the closed captions for this video, click on the CC button in the toolbar at the bottom of the video.

To expand the video, click the Full Screen icon in the toolbar at the bottom of the video.

To navigate the video using the transcript use the direct link below the video, then click the Show Transcript button to the right of the video.

Accessibility Text for When Films on Demand Videos Have a Transcript Only (No Captions)

Below the video:

If the video above doesn't appear, follow this direct link: Title of the Video (XX:XX min.)

Start the video to access more options in the video frame. To expand the video, click the Full Screen icon in the toolbar at the bottom of the video. 

To access the transcript for this video, please use the Title of the Video video transcript link.

Additional Resources

Standard Look of Accessibility Text for Videos

YouTube Example and Accessibility Text

TED Talk Example and Accessibility Text

TechSmith Relay Example and Accessibility Text

Alexander Street Example and Accessibility Text

Kanopy Example and Accessibility Text

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