Zoom and Canvas Integration



For those who want to schedule meetings within the LMS and launch unique meetings throughout the semester, Zoom’s LTI integration provides the most functionality. This page guides faculty on the steps to turning the integration on in a course shell and running through the steps for initial setup.


Zoom is already integrated with Canvas as a Communication/Collaboration Tool.

Viewing (and Launching) Scheduled Meetings via Canvas

Faculty View:

Faculty View of a Scheduled Meeting

Student View:

Student View of a Scheduled Meeting via the Zoom Course Layout

Viewing Cloud Recordings

If the Zoom meeting is recorded to the Cloud, the recording can be accessed via the integration.

  • Click Zoom in the Course Layout Menu.

  • Select Cloud Recordings tab in the menu across the top of the Zoom integration screen.

Viewing Attendance Reports

  • Click Zoom in the Course Layout Menu.

  • Click Previous Meetings in the menu across the top of the Zoom integration screen.

  • Click Report.

Here you can view details such as who joined the meeting, when they left, when they rejoined, and more. Bear in mind that the info may not be useful if students are not logged in first via http://boisestate.zoom.us . For example, a participant could be simply named “iPad” or “Nick’s computer.”

Make “Zoom” Visible in the Course Layout Menu

  • Log into Canvas and select a course you are an Instructor in.

  • Select Settings from the bottom of the Course Layout Menu.

  • On the Settings Page, Select the Navigation tab.

  • Locate Zoom and drag-and-drop or manually move the tool up to the top part of the Navigation Screen to make it available to students.

  • Choose the location you would like it to appear in your Course Layout Menu.


  • Scroll to the bottom of the Settings page and select the blue Save.

  • The Zoom tool will now appear as available to your Students in the Course Layout Menu.

  • As an Instructor, you can then click on the Zoom link in the Course Layout menu to interact with the Zoom Integration. Within the Integration you can:

    • Schedule, Manage and Cancel Zoom Meetings for the class.

    • View Upcoming Meetings, Previous Meetings, access a Personal Meeting Room and Cloud Recordings.

    • Manage Alternative Hosts.

    • Access Zoom Tutorials.

    • Import and Dissociate Zoom meetings with the course.

Schedule a Meeting

Option A - Schedule Zoom Meetings in Canvas.

  • Once logged in and within the Zoom experience, select Schedule a Meeting.

  • You are given options for your meeting name, description, date/time, duration, and recurrence. LTS recommends leaving Registration turned off and enabling Mute participants upon entry.

  • Any instructors or learning assistants for your course set up through Canvas will automatically be added as alternative hosts in Zoom meetings scheduled via the integration. (TAs, co-instructors, etc. may first need to click the Zoom Meetings link to show up as an Alternative Host).

Option B - Import Meetings into Canvas from Zoom.

  • Select the ellipses symbol.

  • Select Import Meetings (note, you can also Dissociate Meetings and Manage Co-Hosts from this area)

  • A window will pop up asking for the Zoom Meeting ID you wish to Import.

  • Here is a screenshot of where the Meeting ID is located on the Zoom Website.

  • Add the Meeting ID. Select Import.

  • The Meeting will then appear in the list of Class Zoom Meetings.

Add a Zoom Meeting Link(s) to Canvas Modules

Get the Zoom Meeting LInk:

  • If you scheduled the meeting through the Canvas Zoom Integration (Recommended), click on Zoom in the Course Layout Menu.

  • Click on the Meeting Name, this will open up a page that contains the Zoom Meeting details.

  • Right-click the meeting link and copy it. (Note: language for copying a link might vary depending on browser and computer system).


  • Paste this meeting link into the External URL area noted in the directions below.

Put the link into a Canvas Module:

  • Log into Canvas and select a course you are an Instructor in.

  • Select Modules in the Course Layout Menu.

  • Navigate to the Module you wish to add a Zoom Meeting Link to.

  • Select the + symbol for that module


  • Select External URL from the drop-down menu and add the Zoom Meeting Link. Fill out the information requested.

    • URL: Paste The Zoom Meeting Link you found in the directions above.

    • Page Name: Your choice; Include the name of the course and note other details such as “reoccurring” or “date and time” or “topic” etc.

    • Load in a new tab: The best-practice is to check this box, please remind students to watch out for their pop-up blocker and allow the Zoom window to open. If they goof up, it’s ok - there will still be a button they can click on to join the meeting.

    • Indentation: Your choice

  • Select Add Item.

  • The link will be added to the bottom of the Module.

  • Drag and drop the Zoom Meeting Link to the correct location in the Module. Make sure it is published by checking the Green Checkmark:

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