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This article is for program or course administrators that set up large Canvas courses with sections from many courses. Circumstances include: wanting all of your Lab course sections into a single LAB SUPPORT course in addition to the students being in each of their individual courses.


Hello LTS,

I am a lab coordinator for the Chemistry Deparmtent and need a Fall 2024 Lab Support course to be created for all CHEM 111 courses. Linked is the LAB SUPPORT - FA24 sheet with section and course information.

  • Course name: FA24 LAB SUPPORT

  • Course code: FA24 LAB SUPPORT

  • SIS ID: this will be automatically generated when created by LTS

  • Enrollments: myself, and John Doe both as Course Administrators

  • We would like this to be done by Friday, August 16, but as soon as possible is preferrable.

Let me know if you need any additional information.
