Moving Grades from Canvas to PeopleSoft with the MyBoiseState Grade Transfer Tool

Moving Grades from Canvas to PeopleSoft with the MyBoiseState Grade Transfer Tool


This article outlines how instructors can use the Grade Transfer Tool to submit Canvas grades to PeopleSoft. Some course types are not compatible with the Grade Transfer tool.

Grade Transfer Tool Requirements

The Grade Transfer tool is only available for courses that meet all of the following criteria:

  • The course must be in the current term.

  • The course must have a standard grading basis (e.g. A, B, C, D, F). Courses that have other grading basis are not supported ('PF', 'AUD', 'PFA', 'PIP', 'JS2', 'JS1').

  • The course must not be a concurrent enrollment course.

  • The course must have one and only one associated Canvas course site.

The grade transfer button will appear starting 3 days before the course end date and remain available until 1 day after the grades' due date.


  1. Ensure that all assignments have a grade value in Canvas, even if it’s a zero.

    1. You can Set a Default Grade to update missing work (indicated in Grades as a '-') to zero.

    2. You can do this by setting the missing submissions policy in the Gradebook. Please see the Canvas Document for Missing Submission Policy in Gradebook.

    3. You can also set up automatic deductions for late submissions in Gradebook. Please see the Canvas Document for Late Submission Policy in Gradebook.

  2. Enable Course Grading Scheme in the Canvas Course Settings area.

    1. The Enable course grading scheme box must be checked for the Grade Transfer tool to work.

    2. You can leave the Grading Scheme at default settings or customize the scheme if you prefer.

    3. When enabling the Grading Scheme, remember to click the Update Course Details at the bottom of the page to save any changes.

  3. Sign in to https://my.boisestate.edu/.

    1. On the left-hand Vertical Navigation, under Faculty, Click My Courses.

    2. Select the desired course, then click the PS GRADE TRANSFER button under Tools on the right side of the page.

      Grade Transfer button for a specific course



    1. If there is more than one Canvas course site associated with the PeopleSoft course, you may be prompted to select the Canvas site where you entered grades for your students before you can import grades. Use the CANVAS SITE button to go to and review the course sites if you are uncertain which to choose.

      Example 1: If your Chemistry course is also associated with the Chemistry Instructional Center (CIC) Canvas site, you may be asked to choose between your course and the CIC course.

      Example 2: If you created a course site in Middleware and then later decided to merge it with another section, you may be asked to choose between the initial (now abandoned) course site and the merged course site.

import from canvas button for a specific course


If after importing your grades, there is a “missing” message for any student, return to Canvas and confirm your course site meets the requirements as stated at the beginning of this article.


    1. Once the export is complete, your course detail will populate with the date and time of the export.

    2. You can validate the export by logging into PeopleSoft and accessing the Grade Roster for your course.

Once the export is complete, you must follow the steps outlined in the Registrar’s Grade Roster Submission article to submit the grades.

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