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This article will describe what the Modules page is in Canvas and how to use it.



The Modules page lists all of the Modules you've created for students. A Module is a way to organize all of the assignments, quizzes, and pages for a single unit, topic, or week into a single place that is easy for students to access.

The Modules page is visible by default in your course. If you want to hide it, see Page Visibility for instructions.

Creating a Module

Original Article: How to Use Modules to Build Courses in Canvas

How to Use Modules to Build Courses in Canvas

Modules are the blank “Canvas” on which a course can be built. These offer ways to organize and chunk learning content and activities in the way that the instructor wishes to present it to class. This tool includes options to set up requirements

What Is a Module? 

  • Canvas Modules are an organizational tool that help instructors structure course content by day, week, unit, topic, or outcome.

  • Modules help simplify student navigation through a course and ensure a sequential flow of content.

  • With modules, instructors can require interaction with content before completing assignments.

  • Each Module can contain files, discussions, assignments, quizzes, and other learning materials, and they're a great way to start building your course, because you can manage everything in one place.

How to Create a Module in Canvas

  • To create a Module, click the +Module button at the top right


Give the Module a name. If you want to lock the module and automatically open it at a later date, check the Lock until button and define the day to open the module.


You can add prerequisite modules if you want each module to unlock sequentially.


Click Add Module.


The new module should appear in the list. Click the + button to add any of the following, which can be selected in the :

  1. Assignments

  2. Quizzes

  3. Files

  4. Pages

  5. Discussions

  6. Text Headers

  7. External URLs

  8. External Tools


Once you select the type of item you want to add, select the item from the list of options (or click [ New * ] to create a new item).


You can indent the item if you'd like. This helps to create a hierarchy of items in the module. For example, you can use a text header to describe a set of pages and assignments, and indent those items below the header.

Adding Requirements to a Module

It is common to want to require students to complete the module. You must do this after creating the module.

  1. Find the module in the list, click the three dots to the right of the module name and select Edit.

  2. Under the Requirements header, select Add requirement.

  3. This will create two options: Students must complete all of these requirements, and Students must complete one of these requirements. Select the correct one.

  4. One requirement has already been created, so modify it to fit your needs. You can decide which item in the module is of interest, then decide which of the following the students must do:

    1. View the item

    2. Mark the item as done (if the selected item can be completed)

    3. Submit the assignment (if the selected item is an assignment)

    4. Score at least (If the item is scored)

    5. Contribute to the page (if the item is a Page)

  5. You can add more requirements if necessary.


  • , or, if your home page is blank, the Module icon in the middle. 

  • TIP: As you build a Module, leave it unpublished until all your content is uploaded. That way nobody can see your "‘instructional mess."

screenshot of plus module button. highlight of the publish unpublish symbol on the module.Image Added

How to Structure a Module

  • Short answer: However you naturally structure your course. For some teachers that might be by unit, for others it could be by day or week. Other ways to structure a module include by topic or outcome. 

  • TIP: New to Modules? Plan your course outline with pen and paper first. “Think about structuring your content first, before you build it out. Worry about details after.”

Example Module Layout

screenshot of an example module layoutImage Added

How to Add Content to a Module

  • Click the plus sign in the top right of the Module box to add content. Options include files, discussions, assignments, quizzes, webpages, and external tools. You can also add existing content from other courses to your Module. Use the drag and drop feature to reorganize your content in the flow you need. 

  • TIP: “If you’re overwhelmed by the amount of content, guess who else will be? Your students. Make sure you chunk your course into digestible bits.”

screenshot of the module top bar with plus symbol highlightedImage Addedscreenshot menu to add an item to the module.Image Added

How (and Why) to Use Indentation and Text Headers in Modules

  • Indenting content and using text headers in Modules helps visual flow, especially if you have a lot of content items. Drag and drop headers to delineate content in your Module. 

  • TIP: For a stronger visual cue, use emojis with your headers to allow students to quickly scan content. Check out to add symbols such as an hourglass for time-sensitive content.

screenshot showing Header and Indentation in a moduleImage Added

Why Can’t My Students See My Module?

  • If your students can’t see your Module, you likely haven’t published it. A green check mark [1] indicates a Module or piece of content is published. A grey slashed circle [2] indicates it is unpublished. 

  • TIP: Content items can be published and live, but will not be seen by students until the entire module is published. 

screenshot of module showing the published and unpublished symbolsImage Added

How to Set Prerequisites in Modules

  • Setting prerequisites is one of the best features of Modules. It ensures a one-way directional flow of course content. Under the Edit Module Settings menu, select “Students must move through requirements in sequential order.” You can also require specific submissions before students can move onto more content.

  • When prerequisites are set, content will be greyed out until content is viewed or submitted. 

  • TIP: Set a prerequisite for students to complete an entire Module before they move onto the next. 

How to Duplicate Modules for Other Courses or Sections 

  • Use the Duplicate Module feature to save time creating course content. (Note: you cannot duplicate Modules with a quiz. First, delete the quiz, then duplicate.)

  • TIP: Create a Module template, keep it unpublished, and duplicate it whenever you create a new Module. 

  • Advanced users can use External Tools to embed their district’s third party apps, such as EdPuzzle, Khan Academy, Quizlet, and more. A recent Canvas update also includes a feature for instructors to copy a module and directly share it to another course or another user. 

  • In the end, Modules are made to empower teachers. “Modules are easy to organize, easy to play with, and you can manage basically everything in this one location.” For more tips on creating and customizing Modules in Canvas, watch the livestream or visit the Canvas Community.

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