Note |
Instructors can copy personalized questions between course evaluations in the current term or from evaluations held in the previous semesterterm (e.g., if personalizing questions for Fall 2025, you can copy questions from your Summer 2025 evaluation). To reuse questions from multiple past terms, refer to the corresponding course evaluation reports and copy/paste the questions into your course evaluation for the current term. |
Open the questionnaire personalization task from your email or sign in to http://boisestate.bluera.com/boisestate, select Home, and open the question personalization task from your task list.
Select Preview to make sure your questions do not duplicate the existing pre-set questions.
Preview displays the pre-set questions developed by your department or college university, college, or “specialty” questions (e.g., online, service learning, honors, etc.) that your students will be addressing. Formulate your questions to supplement the existing questions.
Click Customize next to a question you wish to modify, this will open the question editor.
Once you have customized a question, it will automatically be set to “include” in your evaluation after finishing the task. You can choose to include or exclude questions by toggling the Include/ Exclude button next to them.
Click Submit when you are done.
You must click submit for questions to be included in the evaluation.
If you have multiple courses, you can copy personalized questions between your courses or from evaluations held in the previous term. This can save a lot of time and effort in rewriting applicable questions that you have added to previous evaluations.