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  • Helping you create a course that is more focused and organized

  • Assisting you in defining the depth and breadth of course content

  • Guiding your choice of assessments, instructional materials, and activities you should design for your course

Hierarchy of Learning Objectives

A hierarchy of objectives may be present in your course depending on the direction of the college and/or program that the course is being created for. Here is the typical hierarchy of objectives, going from very general to more specific:     


Clear alignment between the course-level and the module-level learning objectives is essential. Course and module objectives should be consistent with one another, with the module objectives playing a subordinate, supportive role in achieving the course objectives. Refer to Aligning Objectives, Assessment, and Activities for more details on aligning course components to assist learners in achieving desired learning outcomes.

Examples to Communicate CLO & MLO Relationship

It is recommended that learning objectives for a module (or unit) of an online course be communicated in a module introduction. Help learners understand how those module-level goals related to the overall Course Learning Objectives by noting the CLO & MLO relationship. Two examples are:

Example 1 - Note CLO Numbers

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Select appropriate investment strategies that align with the company’s financial goals. (CLO 1, 2)

  • Create a marketing campaign targeting a specific customer profile using available technology. (CLO 1)

  • Apply knowledge of cultural biases and differences to personalize genetic counseling sessions to diverse populations. (CLO 2, 4)

Example 2 - Fully stated

The learning objectives for this module are listed below with their related course learning objective:

  • Create an investment portfolio for a company.

    • Identify investment opportunities.

    • Select appropriate investment strategies that align with the company’s financial goals.

  • Create a marketing campaign targeting a specific customer profile using available technology.

    • Review technology tools for marketing campaigns based on industry standards.

How to Write Effective Learning Objectives

First, answer the following questions as you begin to develop your objectives:


Examples of Measurable and Non-Measurable Objectives

Measurable learning objectives

  • Select appropriate investment strategies that align with the company’s financial goals

  • Create a marketing campaign targeting a specific customer profile using available technology

  • Apply knowledge of cultural biases and differences to personalize genetic counseling sessions to diverse populations

Learning objectives that are NOT measurable 

  • Be aware of how to use APA citations

  • Realize the significance of recent advances in genetic research

  • Understand how to reason with others 


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