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This article explains the different SubAccount Roles available in Canvas.

The Learning Technology Solutions (LTS) group has the highest level of permissions and the broadest access to courses within Canvas.

The roles described below are those best suited for the one or two people within a department or program that require insight or access to specific information about their courses in Canvas.

If you or someone in your program requires one or more of the roles described below, please send a request to






SubAccount Admin

Canvas SubAccount Administrator Roles

  • SubAccount Admin: This is the broadest role available to


  • users at the department or program level. This permission will most likely be assigned to the program’s non-production course area within Canvas (i.e., the program’s AUX account).
    This role allows the user to


  • do the following.

    • Create, Edit, or Delete non-production courses.

    • Add or remove users from non-production courses


    • .



SubAccount Assistant

  • SubAccount Admin Assistant: This role is one step lower than SubAccount Admin.

    This role allows the user to


  • see everything in the SubAccount


The user cannot create, edit, or delete non-production courses. The user cannot add or remove users from non-production courses.


  • .


Limit this role to one or two people.

  • Live Course Admin


  • : This role allows access to the department or program’s production courses. Production courses include any courses taught face-to-face, as a hybrid, or remote, or, for fully online programs, their online course sections.
    This role has no control over enrollments. The role is intended for departments or programs


  • that:

    • Perform their own technical support.

    • Copy courses from the non-production account (i.e., the AUX SubAccount) into live. teaching/term sites for the faculty.

    • Monitor all “live” courses


    • .


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