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Use the links below to jump down to the information you need:

Start of Semester: Gradebook Setup

  • Set up your course Grading Scheme.

  • Optional: Set up Weighted Grading and/or Catagories in your Canvas course according to your Syllabus. 

  • Create Assignments and grade columns as needed within each assignment group.

  • Create all the assignments that your students will submit and organize them within your assignment groups.

    • Pro Tip! These assignments can be "assignment shells" right now, meaning that they simply state the assignment title, due date, and how many points they are worth. You can come back and edit each assignment at any time to include more detailed information.

This article lists the Best Practices for setting up an accurate Canvas Grades. If you ever need assistance or have questions:



I just need a Quick Overview:How do I use the Canvas Gradebook?

Beginning of the Semester

Setting up the Canvas Grade Book in the beginning of the semester helps ensure:

  • Faculty: Easier grading for faculty, if everything is set up in the Grade Book the instructor can simply enter grades throughout the semester and can feel confident that students are seeing the correct scoring and overall grade for the course.

  • Students: Smoother and more transparent experience with the course regarding grading, being alerted to missing assignments, and seeing a correct final grade based off of the work that has been received.

Grading Scheme

Update the Canvas Grading Scheme


*Required to use the Canvas Grade Transfer Tool

To tell Canvas what each student’s Total Grade % should equate to in a Letter Grade.

  • For example, an instructor might want to tweak the scheme to allow students who receive an 88% or higher to receive an A.

Default scheme is:

decorativeImage Added

Gradebook Settings in Canvas

Screenshot of the Grades area with the Settings Sprocket highlighted.  upper righthand corner of screen.Image Added

screenshot of the gradebook settings pane.  the tools are described below.Image Added

Automatically apply grade for missing submission


To turn this option on, check the box next to “Automatically apply grade for missing submissions.”

Note: This option does not impact "no submission" or "on paper" assignments. These items will require the instructor to manually assigning the zeroes.

  • It is very important to make sure that Zeros are entered for missed assignments in a timely manner.

  • This step is what informs students they are missing an assignment and their grade has been lowered accordingly.

Automatically apply deduction to late submissions


To turn this option on, check the box to “Automatically apply deduction to late submissions.”

The Late Submission policy allows you to automatically deduct points on all late submissions. A submission is labeled late when it has been submitted past the due date. Only assignments with a status of Late will be affected by the Late Submission policy. The late policy will be applied to a submission when it is graded.

Change the default Grade Posting Policy


Choose if grades become visible to students automatically, or must be “Posted” by the instructor.



The Advanced tab allows you to apply a Final Grade Override in your course [1]. If enabled, you can enter an override grade for a student that is different from the grade automatically calculated by Canvas [2].

Other Grades Information

Build the Course Items Associated with Grades.

Pro-Tip: Create shells for all Assignments, Discussions, Quizzes, etc. and sort them into their respective Assignment Groups at the beginning of the semester. This allows for the entire course to be “built” as far as the Grade Center goes, and leaves the instructor time to fill in the assignment details at a later time.


  • Decide how you would like to keep track of your students' attendance.
    Depending on your class size and how hands-on or automatic you want your in-class attendance-taking approach to be, there are a few different options that may work well for you. See Using Canvas to take attendance in class for more information.

  • Optional: Setup any drop rules that you have written into your syllabus (e.g., drop lowest score from your pop-quiz assignment group).

  • Keep in mind: If you want to drop the lowest score from an assignment group, in order for Canvas to correctly drop the lowest score, all items within that assignment group must be graded items. At the end of the semester, you will need to ensure that all assignments in this group have a grade value entered in the Gradebook.

  • Any "ungraded" grades (e.g., an item that does not factor into the final grade) will not be accounted for and will not be dropped. So, if you wish to drop the lowest quiz score from your pop-quiz assignment group, you will need to make sure that every item in your pop-quiz assignment group is being factored into the final grade. You will also need to make sure to add a grade value to the Gradebook cells for every assignment in this group. Leaving any cells ungraded (with a "-" in them) will cause the drop rule to be applied incorrectly for the students who have ungraded cells. To learn more about how to enable this type of drop rule, please refer to this assignment group rule guide. 

  • Keep in mind: You can designate individual assignments as exceptions to the drop rule if needed. For example, if there is an additional extra credit assignment in your pop-quiz assignment group, you will need to make sure the extra credit assignment is listed as an exception for the drop rule to work correctly or else students who do not complete the extra credit assignment will be penalized.

  • Optional: Set up any automated late submission or missing submission policies you wish to use before your students start to submit their work.

  • You can use a missing submission policy to automatically assign a grade of 0 once the due date has passed to students who have not submitted an assignment (keep in mind: this won't impact "no submission" or "on paper" assignments, so you will have to manually assign zeroes to those items).

  • You can also use a late submission policy to automatically deduct points for late submissions. However, there are important caveats to keep in mind when using the late submission policy, so be sure to read Canvas's late submission documentation in its entirety before opting to use this tool to make sure that it is a good option for your course.

  • Optional: Set up your grade posting policy if you wish to use a manual posting policy at any point.
    If you wish to use a manual posting policy for your entire gradebook so that grades are released for them to view only after you choose to release the grades, it is best to setup this posting policy at the gradebook level before students begin submitting work. If you have not yet finished building out your assignments, you can still enable manual posting at the course level so that all new gradebook columns are created with the manual posting policy selected. If you wish to use a manual posting policy for only a few items, then we recommend selecting manual posting for those individual columns. Learn more about how grade posting policies work.


Create Assignment Groups in Canvas


  • Sort assignments by categories

  • Creates filters for faculty to use to navigate the Grade Center

  • Use to set up Weighted Grades (see below)

  • Use to drop grades with the “lowest score” – When dropping lowest grades remember to designate All Extra Credit Assignments as “exemptions” to the drop rule.

Pro-Tip: If not using Assignment Groups, note that one “group” MUST exist for calculations in the Grade Center to work correctly. A great trick is to update the name of the single Assignment Group to “Subtotal” so that students are not confused by its existence in their Grades area.

Set up Weighted Grading in Canvas


Weighted Grades Example:

  • Tests = 50% of total grade

  • Assignments = 20% of total grade

  • Final Project = 30% of total grade

Learn how to Navigate Grades in Canvas

Pro Tip: Organize and rearrange the columns in the gradebook by clicking-and-dragging them into


the desired display order.


During the Semester: Using the Gradebook

  1. Hide assignments while grading so that your students cannot see their grade until you have finished grading everyone's assignment.
    We recommend applying the manual posting policy to the individual gradebook column before you start grading it if you have not done so already. If you have already started grading your students' assignments, then you will need to use the "hide grades"  for an assignment feature instead. Hidden assignments and assignments with a manual posting policy are not visible to your students, and will only become visible once you post grades to unhide the assignment column. Please refer to How do I use a Grade Posting Policy in my Gradebook? for more information on how these tools work. When you post the grades for the assignment, remember to select "everyone" to ensure no grades remain hidden.

  2. Use SpeedGrader to grade student submissions.
    You can mark up students' papers without having to download your students' submissions, and easily leave feedback. This tool is also useful for grading discussion posts and adjusting the points a student earned for a question on a quiz if you find that there was an error in a quiz question.

  3. Grades can be excused by typing EX into the grade book.
    Excusing a grade allows an assignment to be ignored while determining the final grade.

  4. Automated Gradebook Conversions.
    You can opt to display and enter grades as a point value or percentages interchangeably depending upon your needs as the instructor, and your students' needs.

  5. Don't like working in Canvas? You can complete your edits in Excel!
    If you would like to adjust your students' grades offline, you can export your Canvas gradebook to excel and make changes to student grades, and then use the Import a CSV file option to upload your grade changes to Canvas. 

  6. Keep in mind: Your students may not be seeing the same information as you.
    You may wish to guide your students to our support article Students: Make sure you are seeing the right grades in Canvas! so that they view accurate grading information, particularly towards the end of the semester. We also strongly recommend assigning a 0 for any graded item that the student has not submitted in order to avoid confusion at the end of the semester.

    If you have opted to use the Gradebook's missing submission policy tool to automatically assign zeroes to missing submissions, keep in mind that this does not apply to "no submission" and "on paper" assignments. You will have to manually assign zeroes to those items.

For more information about using your Canvas Gradebook, see How do I navigate/use Canvas's Gradebook?. 

End of Semester: Grading Wrap-up


Set up your course Grading Scheme

 if you did not do so at the start of the semester.
You will need to enable and accurately implement a Grading Scheme according to the information provided in your course syllabus. You can access your course's Grading Scheme from the Settings link on your course navigation menu.


Ensure that there are no "hidden" assignments and all grades have been posted for all students.
Hidden assignments are not visible to your students, so they give your students an inaccurate view of their overall grade in Canvas. Any grades that have not been posted will not be factored into the final grade in Canvas, so if you have not posted all grades for all students then you may end up with inaccurate final grades. Please refer to this guide for more information about hidden grades and using the grade posting policy feature.


Make sure that all grade cells have a value entered in them, including entering in zeroes for unsubmitted assignments.
The final grade column will not be accurate if any cells are left ungraded. When grade cells are left ungraded (containing a dash) students with ungraded work see their final grade without any unsubmitted assignments factored in, which gives students an inaccurate view of their grades. Students can uncheck the "calculate based only on graded assignments" box on their grades page to see what their real grade will be. However, to prevent confusion and misunderstandings, we strongly recommend that you enter zeroes for all unsubmitted assignments. This way, students will see an accurate view of their grades without having to uncheck anything on their grades page.

The most efficient way to assign zeroes to unsubmitted assignments is to use the Set Default Grade feature to set the default grade for each assignment to zero at the end of the term. It will allow you to automatically insert zeros for all students that haven't yet received a grade for a specific assignment.

If you are using the missing submission policy to automatically assign zeroes to missing assignments: Review each column in your gradebook to ensure that the missing submission policy did not skip over any assignments. Remember, this automated tool will not apply zeroes to missing "on paper" and "no submission" assignments. You must manually add zeroes to these items. We recommend using the Set Default Grade feature described above for any columns that need zeroes assigned.


  • Use “Filters” to order the gradebook via Assignment Groups, Student Groups, Modules, etc. (Must create the item for it to be used to filter).

Use Filters to order the gradebook via Assignment Groups, Student Groups, Modules, etc. Must create the item for it to be used to filter.Image Added

  • Use “Arrange By” to order the Grades area in an automatic way.

Use Arrange By to order the Grades area in an automatic way.Image Added


During the Semester: Grading

Grade Student Submissions Using Speedgrader in Canvas:

Widget Connector
titleGrade Student Submissions Using Speedgrader In Canvas


Grading Pro-Tips:

  • Grades can be “Excused” by typing EX into the grade book.

    • Excusing a grade allows an assignment to be ignored while determining the final grade


    • .


  • Don't like working in Canvas? You can complete your edits in Excel!


    • You can export your Canvas gradebook to


    • Excel and make changes to student grades, and then use the Import a CSV file option to upload your grade changes to Canvas.


Relevant Information

Have a suggestion?




Optional: Hide the total column from student view.
If you don't want your students to see the total column value when they check their grades in Canvas, follow the steps in our tutorial. Please note, this will only hide the total column from students - it will not hide the assignment group columns from students.

      • Note: If you are using complete/incomplete grading, you will need to assign a point value for your Excel sheet to indicate any completion


End of Semester: Canvas to Peoplesoft Grade Transfer Tool

Step 1

  • Review your Grade Center and verify that all columns and students contain grades.

  • Missed assignments should receive either a 0 or “Excused”.

  • The Grade Transfer Tool will not work if this step is not completed.

Step 2


Important: When users report error messages in the Grade Transfer process, this is usually the step that has been missed and/or goofed up

  • Confirm the Grade Schema is “checked” in Canvas.

  • Select Update Course Settings button on the bottom of the page to preserve any changes.

  • The Canvas to Peoplesoft Grade Transfer Tool will not work if this step is not completed.


Step 3


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