Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



This article will describe how fixes for several issues with PowerPoint presentations and Word documents.


  • Open the document in Word
  • Highlight the first row in your table that explains what's in each column
  • From the "Table Design" tab at the top, check the box for "Header row"
  • Optionally, right click the highlighted row, select "Table Properties" and check "Repeat as header row"
    • If the table spans multiple pages, Word will automatically copy the header row at the top of each page
  • Save the document and reupload it to Blackboard

Exporting a Word Doc as a Tagged PDF

Exporting a Word Doc as a Tagged PDF
Exporting a Word Doc as a Tagged PDF

If you export a Word document as a PDF, you can lose some of the accessibility features built into Word documents. Ally let let you know if this happens by giving you a warning that says you have uploaded an untagged PDF. You can tell Word to export tagged PDFs.

  • Open the file in Word
  • Click "File" > "Save As..."
  • Select "PDF" from the File Format dropdown
  • Below the File Format selection, you will see some options. Find the "Best for electronic distribution and accessibility" option and select it
  • Export the file and upload it to Blackboard