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Before you set up Respondus LockDown for one of your exams, the test must be deployed in the course. This article explains how to configure the Test Options page for exams that will be administered with Respondus LockDown Browser.


Make the exam available to students - the setting to make an exam available should always be set to Yes. Otherwise, students will not be able to access the test.

In the Blackboard test options page, the radio button next to 'make available to students' is set to 'yes'Image RemovedIn the Blackboard test options page, the radio button next to 'make available to students' is set to 'yes'Image Added

Enable force completion - if the exam will be administered without proctoring, you should enable force completion to prevent students from being able to leave the exam and return to it later.

In the Blackboard test options page, the checkbox next to 'force completion' is enabled.Image RemovedIn the Blackboard test options page, the checkbox next to 'force completion' is enabled.Image Added

Set an exam timer (recommended) - turn on the auto-submit setting. This will end and grade the exam when the timer expires. These settings are recommended but not required.

In the Blackboard test options page, an exam timer is set and the auto-submit setting is turned on.Image RemovedIn the Blackboard test options page, an exam timer is set and the auto-submit setting is turned on.Image Added

Set the availability window - set the desired dates in the Display After and the Display Until fields. Set the desired times next to each one.

In the Blackboard test options page, the 'Display after' and the 'Display until' settings are both populated and enabled.Image RemovedIn the Blackboard test options page, the 'Display after' and the 'Display until' settings are both populated and enabled.Image Added

Do not set a password - leave the password field empty, and the checkbox disabled.

In the Blackboard test options page, the password field is clear and the setting is unchecked.Image RemovedIn the Blackboard test options page, the password field is clear and the setting is unchecked.Image Added

Do not enable due date restriction - Do not enable the setting for restricting the exam after the due date. This setting will prevent some make-up and accommodated testers from being able to access the test. The availability window (Step 4) is sufficient for controlling students' access to the exam.

In the Blackboard test options page, the Due Date field is unused, and the due date restriction below it is disabled. This is the correct configuration.Image RemovedIn the Blackboard test options page, the Due Date field is unused, and the due date restriction below it is disabled. This is the correct configuration.Image Added

The following settings should NOT be modified in the test options page after enabling Respondus: The test name, the “open test in a new window” setting, and the password settings.

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