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  1. Contact the Boise State Help Desk at 208-426-4357 to obtain the Boise State Techsmith license key code for Camtasia Studio.
  2. Download the Camtasia Studio install file (.exe) from the Techsmith website.
  3. Double-click the install file you downloaded from the Techsmith website. The installer will have a .exe extension. You should find the file in your “Downloads” folder, your desktop or the location you chose.
    CamtasiaImage Modified
  4. After double clicking the file, you should be prompted with a security warning asking if you want to run the file. Click “RunRun.”
    Camtasia Studio Security WarningImage Modified
  5. You should see an install progress bar.
    Here's how to do it with Camtasia
  6. The Installation Wizard should launch with the “Welcome” screen. Click “NextNext.”
    Camtasia Studio install welcomeImage Modified
  7. License Agreement: Select the “I I accept the license agreement” agreementradio button. Click “NextNext.”
    Camtasia Studio license agreement screenImage Modified
  8. Help Us Improve Camtasia Studio: Chose whether to allow Techsmith to collect usage data. They do not collect identifying information. Click “NextNext.”
    Camtasia Studio install help improve screenImage Modified
  9. Licensing: Under “Installation Type,” select “LicensedLicensed-I have a key,” enter “Boise Boise State University” Universityin the “Name” field and enter the license key you received from the Help Desk in the “Key” field. Click “NextNext.”
    Camtasia Studio install licensingImage Modified
  10. Installation Folder: Use the default install location unless you have a specific reason to install Camtasia Studio in another location.
    Camtasia Studio Install locationImage Modified
  11. Camtasia Studio 9 Add-in: The Camtasia Add-in for Microsoft Powerpoint allows you to easily begin recording your Powerpoint presentations without having to first open Camtasia Studio. This also makes it easy to import your Powerpoint notes as Closed Captions. Select the “Enable Camtasia Studio Add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint” PowerPointcheckbox. Click “NextNext.”
    Camtasia Studio install powerpoint add inImage Modified
  12. Ready to Install the Application: Be sure that the “Create Create a shortcut to Camtasia Studio 8 on the desktop” desktopand “Install Install default library assets” assetscheckboxes are  selectedselected. Click “NextNext.”
    Camtasia Studio install ready to install screenImage Modified
  13. You should see the “Updating System” progress bar.
    Camtasia Studio install updating system screenImage Modified
  14. Once the installation is complete, you should see the “success” screen.
    shareImage Modified
  15. You may be prompted to register Camtasia Studio online. Follow the online instructions.
  16. You’re ready to begin screen recording!

How to download and install Camtasia for Mac

  1. Contact the Boise State Help Desk at 208-426-4357 to obtain the Boise State Techsmith license key code for Camtasia for Mac.
  2. Download the Camtasia for Mac install file (.dmg) from the Techsmith website.
  3. Double-click the install file (with the .dmg extension) you downloaded from the Techsmith website.
    Double click to install Cam for MacImage Modified
  4. You’ll see the install window. Simply drag the “Camtasia 2” icon to the “Applications” icon in the install window.
    Drag icon to install Cam for Mac
  5. Open your “Applications” folder and double click the “Camtasia 2” Camtasia 2application.
    Open Cam 2 for Mac
  6. You’ll see a pop-up window asking to confirm that you want to open the application. Click “OpenOpen.”
    Do you want to open Cam 2
  7. You’re ready to go.
