Versions Compared


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Video Recordings

  • Demonstrate ability to counsel a client

  • Respond to a verbal or written prompt

  • Explain a concept

  • Demonstrate a physical function

Audio Recordings

  • Explain a concept 

  • Record a podcast exploring aspects of a topic

  • Demonstrate vocal ability

Screen Capture

  • Present a concept

  • Demonstrate a technology procedure

  • Explain processes to solve mathematical equations


  • Share professional examples, which can be utilized after graduation in professional ‘toolbox’

  • Share opinion pieces demonstrating knowledge of a concept with follow-up questions and discussion from peers

  • Share project results with peer feedback in comments


  • Create a portfolio of one’s work

  • Display collection of creative work (e.g., paintings, writing, photography)

  • Demonstrate communication skills, marketing, or public relations tools


Create an UnEssay assignment to assess learning that does not prescribe format. Define the parameters for what must be demonstrated, but leave the way in which it is demonstrated up to the student.

  • Cross stitched, embroidered, or sewn parts of human anatomy

  • Correspondence between historical figures that demonstrate understanding of the time

  • Screenplay addressing gender roles

  • Art piece reflecting a mathematical theory

  • Lesson plan with sample assignments about a scientific theory

  • Athletic training plan for a fictional character

  • Children’s book about civic activities
