Versions Compared


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Discussions are used within Canvas for students to communicate with one another in collaborative ways. The possibilities within Discussions are that they can be whole-class or group-based (small-group) and have initial and/or reply posts.


Interface Changes that Instructors will see in the Discussion Board

titleClick here to see screenshot examples of all the changes Instructors will see on the Discussion Board

Discussion Post

Publish Button is now a Checkmark Icon

Publish Button is now a Checkmark IconImage Modified

The Subscribe Button has changed to a Bookmark Icon

The Subscribe Button has changed to a Bookmark IconImage Modified

The Edit Button is now located within the Three-Dot-Menu

The Edit button is now located within the Three-Dot-MenuImage ModifiedThe Edit Button is now located within the Three-Dot-Menu with menu openImage Modified

The Search and Organization Menu is now located at the Top of the Discussion Post

The Search and Organization Menu is now located at the Top of the Discussion PostImage Modified

The Mark as Read and Mark as Unread Controls now exist in the Three-Dot-Menu

The Mark as Read and Mark as Unread Controls now exist in the Three-Dot-MenuImage Modified

The Reply Button is now Blue and there is more WhiteSpace overall in the interface

The Reply Button is now Blue and there is more WhiteSpace overall in the interfaceImage Modified

If the Discussion Post is set up as a Group Discussion, this is now indicated by the Group Icon in the upper left-hand corner of the Discussion Post

If the Discussion Post is set up as a Group Discussion, this is now indicated by the Group Icon in the upper left-hand corner of the pageImage Modified

Discussion Assignment Details

Points Possible have moved to the upper righthand corner of the Discussion Post

Assignment Points have  moved to the upper righthand corner of the Discussion PostImage Modified

Due Dates have moved to the upper lefthand corner of the Discussion Post

Assignment Due Dates have moved to the upper lefthand corner of the Discussion PostImage Modified

Course-Level Features

Interface Modifications

New Features from the Discussion Redesign

titleClick here to view the New Features from the Discussion Redesign

Canvas documentation for the Redesigned Interface Modifications

titleClick here to view the Canvas documenation for the Redesigned Interface Modifications

Interface Modifications

For individual discussion and announcement topics, the interface has been expanded for maximum space and ensure responsive views.

The following modifications have been made to individual topics:

  • The toolbar has been moved to the top of the discussion and announcement thread.

  • Newest replies display at the top of the first page instead of the bottom of the last page.

  • Users can sort replies from newest to oldest, or oldest to newest.

  • Users can also quickly move to the top of the discussion or announcement at any time. 

Classic Discussions vs New Discussions

Classic Discussions vs New DiscussionsImage Modified


 Feature Parity

The following functionality has been included for parity with classic Discussions: 

  • Users must post before seeing replies

  • Reply posts can be marked as read or unread

  • Discussion time stamp edit display

  • Multiple Due Dates (addition: individual student names are displayed instead of the total number of students)

  • Available From and Until Dates

  • Previous/Next buttons for Modules

  • Group Discussions

  • Peer Review

  • Add to student to-do list


The following functionality has been included for parity with classic Announcements: 

  • Users must post before seeing replies

  • Reply posts can be marked as read or unread

  • Announcement time stamp edit display

  • Announcement delay post alert (teachers/instructors)

Additional parity features will be added in future releases.

Additional Functionality

Role Labels

Discussion and announcement threads display a label for users with TA roles and Teacher (Instructor) roles. This feature helps students more quickly identify users with instructor-based roles in the course.

Threads also include a label indicating the discussion or announcement author.

Author and Teacher Labels

Author and Teacher LabelsImage Modified


Flexible Viewing Options

When a reply includes additional replies, the number of replies is displayed, as well as the number of unread replies (specific to the user viewing the reply). Users can choose to view these replies inline or in a split view.


Inline.pngImage Modified



Split.pngImage Modified



Users can mention other users in discussion replies by using the @ symbol. All available users in the course display in the drop-down menu.

Note: For users to be able to mention other users in discussion replies, the permission Conversations - send messages to individual course members needs to be enabled.

Mentions in DIscussions

Mentions in DIscussionsImage Modified

If they are mentioned, users with the Discussions - New Mention notification enabled will receive notifications.


Users can quote other replies as part of their discussion reply. 

Quotes in discussion replies

Quotes in discussion repliesImage Modified


Reply Reporting

Within individual discussions, replies can be reported by students and teachers. Teachers can choose to enable reporting in the Discussions Settings menu.

Discussion Settings

Discussion SettingsImage Modified

Once enabled, all users can report replies by clicking the Settings menu for the reply and clicking the Report link. 

Report Button

Report ButtonImage Modified

When a reply is reported by a user, the user must indicate why the reply is being reported (inappropriate, offensive and/or abusive, or Other). Reporting a reply cannot be undone.

Report Reply Window

Report Reply WindowImage Modified

Once a user reports a reply, the Settings menu option displays to that user as Reported. That user cannot report the reply again, but other users can still report the reply. 

Discussion Menu with Reported Button

Discussion Menu with Reported ButtonImage Modified


Reported Reply Notifications (Teachers)


To be notified of reported replies, teachers can enable the Discussions Reported Reply notification when accessing course-level notifications from inside a course. If you select a course and then go to View Course Notifications on the Home page, the option will be there. Email notifications include a direct link to the reply that has been reported. 

Reporting a reply does not hide the reply; all replies are still visible to all users. However, teachers can choose to edit or delete the reported reply.

Note: Once a reply is reported, it always displays as Reported and cannot be cleared by teachers.

Course Notifications: Reported Reply Option

Image Modified



Anonymous Discussions

Discussions allow teachers to create anonymous discussions. This option displays when creating a new discussion for a course. By default this option is set to off.

When anonymity is turned on for a discussion, grading and groups are not supported.

Anonymous Discussion Option

Anonymous Discussion OptionImage Modified


When the Discussion Settings menu option is selected for students to create discussions, the option is also included to allow students to create anonymous discussions. This option is not selected by default.

Teacher Discussions Settings page and Anonymous Discussions

Teacher Discussions Settings page and Anonymous DiscussionsImage Modified


When an anonymous discussion exists in the course, the Discussions page indicates anonymous discussions before a student opens the discussion.

Anonymous Discussion in the Discussions Index Page

Anonymous Discussion in the Discussions Index PageImage Modified


Users with a teacher, TA, or designer role in the course will never be anonymous. However, student names and profile pictures are hidden from other course members, including teachers. Admins who are not explicitly enrolled as a teacher, TA, or designer and create a reply also display as anonymous. Additionally, users who view a course without having a course enrollment (such as when participating in a public course) also display as anonymous.

Anonymous Discussion Thread

Anonymous Discussion ThreadImage Modified


Anonymous discussion posts include the standard settings options, including reporting replies.

When an observer views a fully anonymous discussion, the text now displays This is an anonymous Discussion. Student names and profile pictures are hidden. When an observer views a partially anonymous discussion, the text now displays Students have the option to reply anonymously. Some names and profile pictures may be hidden.

Observer View Fully Anonymous Discussion

Observer View Fully Anonymous DiscussionImage Modified


Observer View Partially Anonymous DiscussionImage Modified

Observer View Partially Anonymous Discussion

How do I use Discussions Tool as an instructor?
