Event Title | Daily LTS Help Sessions*virtual* | Canvas Webinar: Assignments and Rubrics*virtual* | Canvas Webinar: Groups and Group Assignments*virtual* |
Description | This space is for the first-come-first-serve LTS Help Session. Example Question Topics: Zoom, Canvas, Panopto, Blue (University Student Evaluation System), iClicker If you need an Introduction to Canvas, please check out our Learning about Canvas knowledge resource to get started! | Join us as we present on Overview of Canvas Assignments and Rubrics and how they interact. Topics include: Assignments Overview, Rubrics Overview, Attaching a Rubric to an Assignment, Attaching a Rubric to a Discussion Board, Other creative ways to use Rubrics with Assignments, and Q and A at the end of the presentation. | Join us as we present on Overview of Canvas Groups and Group Assignments and how they interact. These topics include: Groups Overview, Group Assignments Overview, Journals in Canvas, Other creative ways to use Groups and Assignments, and Q and A at the end of the presentation. |
When | We will offer these sessions regularly during different time slots to be available to as many users as possible. BONUS: Beginning of Semester Daily Drop-In Sessions 9am-3pm
For full event details go to the LTS Training and Events Calendar. | For full event details go to the LTS Training and Events Calendar. | For full event details go to the LTS Training and Events Calendar. |
Event Title | Canvas Webinar:SpeedgraderGrading in Canvas*virtual* | Canvas Webinar: Canvas Module Organization & Features*virtual* |
Description | Join us as we present on Grading in Canvas and how they interact. Topics include: Overview of the Canvas SpeedGrader and Q and A at the end of the presentation. | Join us as we present on Canvas Module Organization & Features and how they interact. Topics include: an overview of Canvas Modules, Creative ways to use Modules, and setting up Requirements and Prerequisites. The session will end with time for Q&As. |
When |
For full event details go to the LTS Training and Events Calendar. | For full event details go to the LTS Training and Events Calendar. |