Versions Compared


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  • Q: I am a faculty member who wants to access and interact with a past semester’s course site. I no longer see this course on my Canvas Dashboard. What do I do now?

  • A: Edit Course Availability Dates in Canvas



  • The course will receive no availability dates, and will be created automatically set as Unavailable to users.

  • The instructor will manually need to make the course available to students.

Available to Students

  • The course will receive no availability dates, and will be created automatically set as Available to users.

  • The instructor will manually need to make the course unavailable to students if no end-dates are applied to the Canvas course.

Start of Term

  • The course date will be set to automatically become available on the first day of the semester and unavailable 1 week after the semester ends.

  • The instructor does not need to do anything to make the course available other than be aware of when these date’s occur in case students have questions.

Start of Session

  • The course date will be set to automatically become available on the first day of the session and unavailable 1 week after the session endsThis option will automatically pull up the Start Date of the Session and offer the instructor a chance to edit it immediately. The session will close one week after the end of instruction.

  • The instructor does not need to do anything to make the course available other than be aware of when these date’s occur in case students have questions.


  • This will automatically make the course available on a specific date set by the Instructor.

  • No end-date will be applied, this can be applied in Canvas or the course can be made manually unavailable by the instructor.
